Products & services

As the nation's leading dental benefits provider, we offer high-quality, cost-effective choices designed for you, your employees, your family, and your well-being. With more than 92% of all Colorado providers participating in our PPOTM and Premier® networks, you get the most choice of any carrier. Whichever plan you choose, best-in-class client service that makes you smile is our priority.

Small group dental plans

With more than 60 years of caring for Colorado's smiles, we've established ourselves as the dental benefits leader. And you can put that experience to work for your small business or your small businness client as well. We offer several options for small groups of 2 to 100 enrolled employees, allowing you to select a plan that fits the unique needs of your small business or your small business client.

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Large group dental plans

As the nation's leading dental bennefits provider, we offer highly customizable dental plans for large groups (101+ employees) to create a unique plan design that meets your group's particular needs. Contact us if you are interested in a quote or are requesting a proposal for a large group. We'll work with you to design a plan that adds value to your total benefit package.

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Individual plans

High-quality, affordable dental benefits for individuals. Find out more about our individual plans through Connect for Health Colorado and directly through Delta Dental of Colorado.

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